Wheat bran

LLC «Agro Forward Ukraine» offers for sale high quality bran at affordable prices and on favorable terms.

Bran is a valuable by-product of grain processing into flour and cereals, it is actually crushed shell of the grain. Depending on what kind of grain used, bran can be of several kinds: wheat, buckwheat, rye, rice. Common to all types is high procent of fiber, fats, proteins, nitrogen free extract, ash, phosphorus (80% phosphorous from corn goes into the bran), calcium, amino acids, vitamins A, E .

Bran is a very useful product, which is used as a dietary supplement for humans and animals.

In the diet of farm animals and poultry bran occupies an important place because it is a feed additive with valuable proteine which is almost completely digested by the animals. The feed value of the bran depends on the proportion of flour - the more flour - the higher the nutritional value and calorie content. Usually, bran in animal feed used in its pure form or as a raw material for feed production. The most valuable fodder bran - wheat and rye, they are used in feed of all  animals. In other types of having too much fat, so they can be added to the  adult cattle and sheep diets. Especially important is the use of bran in the diet for dairy cows to 4-6 kg. per head per day, and young cattle.

 Characteristics and rates

DSTU:  3016-95 

 Indicator name

            Characteristics and rates



Wheat bran


Rye bran




dry bulk product without solid bolsters


dry bulk product without solid bolsters





yellow-reddish, greyish tint


grey and brown, green tint




usual to bran, without  off-flavors


usual to bran, without  off-flavors


Moisture content, %, not more than






Crude proteine content, %, not least than






Pests contamination


not allowed



not allowed

Individual approach to each of the client is a guarantee for the long-term cooperation on favorable terms.