LLC «Agro Forward Ukraine» sells soybean meal of high quality at affordable prices throughout Ukraine and abroad.
Soybean meal is produced through the soybean processing. Soybean processing takes place in several stages, and only after that we get the meal. Soybean meal is a food product, which is used for feeding animals. Soybean meal has a very positive influence on the animal performance, this product is also used for feeding fish. After the production of soybean oil are wastes and grist already produced directly from these residues. Moreover, not only increases the amount of milk and eggs, but also is significanly increases in the quality of these products, which uses in each of our diet.
Name of item
Actual value
not granular - homogeneous bulk mass
from light yellow to dark brown
peculiar to soybean meal, odor-free
Content of crude protein based on dry substance, %
not less than 45
Content of crude fiber based on dry substance, %
not more than 7
Content of crude fat based on dry substance, %
not more than 1,5
Content of moisture and volatile substances,%
not more than in DSTU 4230:2003
Content of metal impurities,% - Particles up to 2 mm inclusive
not more than 0.01
Pests contamination
not allowed
The content of impurities (stones, glass, ash)
not allowed
Individual approach to each of the client is a guarantee for the long-term cooperation on favorable terms.